The Good News Mission strives to guide people to break free from the sins that
darkens their hearts and leads them to live a happy and bright life.
We wish to present the happiness found in the Bible to everyone: from
little children to the heads of states from all around the world.

50 years
We have the know-how you need.
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Training & Education (Mahanaim Cyber College, Silver Camp, Winter Camp)
GNM provides various ways to engage in training and education for different groups of people.

The internet today enables people around the world to share knowledge and information beyond time and space. The Mahanaim Bible Training Center was established in order to teach the bible systematically using the Internet as a tool to those who are interested in Christianity. It teaches biblical knowledge and life of faith. The graduates may work as ministers of the Good News Mission after completion of the two-year course, exams and prescribed requirements.

All Good News Mission members, new comers and visitors across the U.S. & Canada participate in the Winter Camp which is held in every December for a week. Prominent pastors come as guest speakers to different sessions and groups to talk about various depth and levels of spiritual life. There are united sessions as well as breakout sessions like gospel class, men’s meeting, women’s meeting, youth meeting, student meeting, Sunday school class, and more.

The word ‘silver’ represents the color of our hair turning silver as we are aging. The Silver Camp has programs and activities designed for seniors. As participants spend time together in the camp, it strengthens them to walk with the Lord by faith and helps them better understand how God protects even till the end of our old ages.