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Opening Ceremony of the Good News Theology School


America, the land founded on the gospel and the freedom of religion. However, as time has passed, people have departed from the truth of only faith and grace and are living a spiritual life based on their thoughts and labors. This eventually made many give up on their faith. Amid many pastors losing their strength, the Good News Theology School held its opening ceremony with 3,500 pastors and church goers from all over the world in attendance over ZOOM and Youtube live.

The opening ceremony of the Good News Theology School.

Having roots from the missionary school that Pastor Ock Soo Park first established in 1976, the Good News Theology School plans on forming an online program that focuses on the preaching of the pure, Biblical gospel, nurturing of future pastors through traditional gospel foundations, and the cultivation of spiritual lives through systematic theological education.

The Good News Theology school held their opening ceremony on September 6th , the day before the start of the semester. With Pastor Terry Henderson as the emcee, promotional video, school introduction, congratulatory messages from prestigious Christian leaders, performances from the Gracias Choir, and a special message by the founder of the school, Pastor Ock Soo Park.

Introduction to the Website of the Newly Opened Theology School.

A presentation done to introduce the functions of the homepage.

The dean of the theology school, Pastor Dale Roh, introduced the layout of the website, the academic schedule, and the faculty. All lectures are able to be attended on the homepage in either English or Spanish and there is great expectation that many people in North, Central, and South America will rise up spiritually through the theology school.

All of the courses at the theology school will not only go over Biblical information but the courses will teach students about performing a ministry of faith and how to apply what they learn in their own spiritual lives.

Although the recruitment period was not lengthy, many pastors and Christians who were facing challenges in their spiritual lives welcomed the inception of the school.

Congratulatory Messages from Celebrated Christian Figures

Many Christian leaders around the world applauded the vision of the theological school and sent congratulatory messages of Pastor Ock Soo Park.

The president of the Christian Leaders Fellowship, Pastor Yeong Kook Park, delivering the welcoming address.

Celebrated Christian leaders sent their greetings.

The theology school will not just be teaching Biblical knowledge, but it will teach how to live a practical life of faith. I believe that this theology school will raise up laborers of the gospel that will spread the good news to the ends of the world. – Yeong Kook Park, president of the CLF

The Good News Theology school will influence many people across the world. We can see Pastor Ock Soo Park devote his soul into winning souls for Christ. The Good News Mission will be a continuous help to the spread of the gospel – Ronald Harden, Chancellor of Epic Bible College

The sweet performance of the Gracias Choir were featured.

After the congratulatory messages, the sweet performances of the Gracias Choir started. Especially, when the choir performed the hymn “The Lord’s Prayer”, the verse of “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, the hymn rang of the thankfulness of how the school will be used to perform the will of God on earth.

Pastor Ock Soo Park , founder of the Good News Theology School, delivering the message.

Pastor Ock Soo Park gave his testimony of how he received salvation during a hard time of his life which was right after the Korean war and then continue to preach the gospel.

“As it is written in 1 John chapter 1 verse 7, ‘But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin’, our confession does not wash away our sin but only the blood of Jesus washes away sins. Through the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross, all of our sins have been paid for. We receive the forgiveness of sins when we accept that truth in our hearts.”

Pastor preached about the hope of how this school will cultivate many gospel preachers that will bring the gospel not only to the United States but to all across the world.

Participants of the Opening Ceremony of the Theology School

Through the 6 months of social distancing because of the Coronavirus pandemic, what is for sure is that God is protecting and leading our mission. Through the Online Bible Seminar, CLF World Conference, the IYF Online World Camp, IYF Kids Camp, and the Lectures on the Gospel of John by Pastor Ock Soo Park, God is fulfilling greater works of gospel than ever before. Now, the Good News Theology School will bring pastors and Christians who are lost in humanistic thought and theory back to the word of God. Many workers of the gospel will arise and American will be a nation dispatching missionaries across the world once again. To God who will fulfill all of these works through us who have so many shortcomings, we give all the glory.



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