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[Korea] “In the Name of Jesus”

First day of Pastor Ock Soo Park Bible Seminar in Daejeon

From the 16th of October, there was the 2016 Good News Mission Autumn Bible Seminar in Hanbat, under the title, “The Lamb of God Who Takes away the Sin of the world.” The brothers and sisters of the Daejeon region prepared for this Bible Seminar through witnessing on the buses, TV advertisements and kiosks.


The witnessing groups were divided into 3 groups according to different regions. The congregation of the Hanbat church went out with the heart that said, “Let us speak to at least the most people that we can.” Like this, they were able to have fellowship with the people who were interested in their souls’ salvation.


Especially, the 15 Pastors of the Daejeon and Choongchung region, stayed at the Hanbat church three days prior to the Bible Seminar to witness alongside the brothers and sisters. The Senior Pastor of Hanbat Church, Pastor Dong Seong Kim,  was following the Word that said, “Because of the work that God has shown during the preparation of the Bible Seminar, he will show that the main Bible Crusade will be so gracious.” Like this, the servants of God and the brothers and sisters were able to spend such a hopeful time.

“Because I have low stamina, I could not bear the witnessing at the kiosk, but as the leader of the group, I had no choice but to stand at the kiosk every single day for 3 to 4 hours for the past 3 weeks. I remembered the time when I could not help with the construction of the church because I was ill but still went out to the streets to hand out the leaflets to the people. By the strength that I had received from preaching the Gospel, I also began preaching the Gospel in the hospitals and when the opportunity came for me to witness with the church again, it was an opportunity for me to receive new strength.” (Hanbat Church/ Oh Ja Kim)

‘’Now David said, “Is there still anyone who is left of the house of Saul, that I may show kindness for Jonathan’s sake.” (2 Samuel 9:1-13). As I read this word, I had the heart that, just as David seeks out people from the house of Saul, that God must also be looking for those people who are sinful in the world. Through the witnessing the kiosk, I was able to meet such people. As I was witnessing, I was able to receive 110 counselling cards. I had the heart that the people who were trapped in their own thoughts and religions would be able to become free through the Bible Crusade and the Cantata. Even this evening, there were many people who filled in the counselling forms so had another session.” (Hanbat Church/Jong Baek Lee)



Pastor Dong Sung Kim, who was in charge of the MC during the Bible Seminar said, “I thought that if we set a date and invited Pastor Ock Soo Park, he will obviously be able to come, but there were a lot of variables. I am so thankful for this Bible Seminar that God has allowed us.”


Rachmaninov’s, ‘We Praise You’ and the ‘Symphony of Praise’, were sung in beautiful harmony by the Gracias Preparatory School Students under the conducting of Sergei (Russian St Petersburg Conservatory Professor and renown conductor, current professor of the Music Preparatory School and Conductor).



This was followed by the piano solo by Suk Seung Hwan, ‘Jesus is My Strength’. Then, the Seoul and Incheon united choir took to the stage to lead the hearts of the audience towards the word of God with their peaceful singing through, ‘Let us Go up to Zion’ and ‘Oh, Love of God is Greater Far.’


Pastor Ock Soo Park preached the word from John 2:1-11 and spoke about being able to stand in front of God as a perfect being not because of our works but through the name of Jesus, with a variety of examples.

“No matter who you may be, if your heart becomes connected to the heart of God, then that person becomes a person of God. When a person with cancer prays, at first the cancer seems to be getting better, then it becomes worse. Then, people think, ‘God is not helping me.’ and they become guilty as they look at their flesh without faith so they begin to die.”


“If you look in Ephesians 2:1 there are our dirty acts and in 2:1 there is the work of God that appears although we have had nothing to do with it. In verse 9, it says, ‘not of works’ to confirm this. In the Bible, it says that the grace that we receive have nothing to do with our own actions. If we look at our acts we cannot help but go to hell but by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we have become perfect and holy, allowing us to go to heaven.”


“Pray in the name of Jesus. When we pray we should not include our own names an actions. Stand in front of God with the name of Jesus Christ. When we go forward with the name of Jesus, God treats us as the same as Jesus and therefore listens to our prayers. ‘Whatever he says to you, do it’ Just like this word, have the same heart. If you have the heart of Jesus, the power of Jesus will appear.” (Pastor Ock Soo Park)


Using the example of Sister Yun Ok Kim of Kansas City, Pastor Ock Soo Park described how one can escape from any problems if they live with the heart of God, through explaining the flow of the heart of that sister and comparing it to the heart of God that appears in the Bible.

It was a time where the Word of God shone on the hearts of the participants and all their sadness and was replaced by light in the same way that darkness is replaced by light.




In the 2nd period, many participants had individual spiritual counselling with other ministers in order to have Choir conversation of the heart and explain the Word of Pastor osp precisely.

This Bible Seminar is planned to go from the 16th October until the 19th at 10:30 am and 7:30 pm. Then, there will be a Post Bible Crusade with Pastor Sae Jae Oh at Good News Mission Hanbat Church from the 20th until the 22nd.

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