“20 years ago, when Pastor said, ‘Through everyone here, we will start a school and start a broadcast’, I could not believe it. But everything was accomplished just as the heart that God had given His servant. This Bible Crusade is such a glorious event that I am truly thankful about.”

On the evening of the 11th (Tuesday), at the Good News Mission Nairobi Church, local brothers and sisters, missionaries from neighboring countries, pastors and brothers and sisters from all over the world came to participate in the Preparation Service for the Bible Crusade in the Nyayo National Stadium.

Pastor Jong Duk Kim, who was first sent to Kenya as a missionary, was moved, thinking about when he first started preaching the gospel and how God has worked in Kenya for 20 years.
“The Bible Crusade that we see is not the real Bible Crusade. The Bible Crusade in God’s heart is true.” Pastor Park of Good News New York Church preached about Acts 27. Through his own experiences he talked about the people, whose heart were broken down through a wind storm called, ‘Euroclydon’, after they ignored Paul, who was delivering the heart of God. As God established Paul in their hearts, the pastor preached that God want to break down our own thoughts and establish Jesus.

The Bible Crusade in Nairobi is busy busily preparing itself. In the venue, a stage was constructed, and the promotion of the Bible Crusade was continuing on the streets. Not only that, but in the Nairobi church, through the Pastoral Meetings, they were advertising this Bible Crusade.
▲ In the Name of 1000 Native Pastors, People are Invited to this Bible Crusade For this Bible Crusade, 1000 Kenyan Pastors and Bishops gathered to help promote this event and they also advertised it to the newspapers. Last Sunday, they allowed the missionaries and pastors from Korea to come to their respective churches in order to inform people about this Bible Crusade.
▲ Missionary Jun Hyi Yong, Preaching in a Local Church “On Sunday, I preached the gospel to 150 people in the first session and to 250 people in the second session. This service was held in the Kaiyoleh District, at the Christ Alive Church, where there is a big billboard advertising for the upcoming Bible Crusade. They all also promised to come to the Bible Crusade at the Nyayo National Stadium. -Missionary Jun Hyi Yong
▲ Pastor Jin Sung Kim “With Bishop Jonah Obonyo’s invitation, my wife and I and Pastor Nelson went to the Cathedral Praise Church of International to preach the word in front of 200 people for 40 minutes in the 2nd service session before promoting, in detail, our Bible Crusade.” “During the third service session my wife and I gave our testimony and promoted the Bible Crusade in front of 800 people. Pastor Obonyo, during service, warmly testified about how our church grew and he insisted that they all must go to the Bible Crusade in the Nyayo National Stadium.” – Pastor Jong Soo Yun
▲ The Congregation, Looking at the Bible Crusade Advertisement The testimony of the many pastors, who preached the gospel and promoted the Bible Crusade to many of the local churches, by the invitation of the local pastors, truly warms our heart and fills us with hope. The ‘National Peace Bible Crusade’ opens in the Nyayo National Stadium from the 13th of November. 20 years ago, Pastor Ock Soo Park preached the gospel in the Nyayo Stadium for 30 minutes and with this small step, the church in Kenya and the Mission in Africa began. And in the ‘National Peace Bible Crusade’ and another 20 years onwards, the history of the gospel in Kenya will be made.