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(Kenya) “Called to 181 Places By Those Who Want to Listen”


“I went to the Nairobi Dandora Church, after receiving the invitation of a Bishop Pastor who attended the Bible Crusade in the Nyayo National Stadium. The Bishop Pastor introduced us saying that he realised the most important thing in the Bible, which is expiation from sin, during the Bible Crusade. He also insisted that the congregation open their hearts and listen to the Word of the gospel of the missionary. Three other pastors also participated and listened to the sermon seriously.” -Pastor Jongduk Kim

“I went to the biggest slum region in East Africa called, ‘Kibera’ to preach the Word. A Pastor, who received the assurance of salvation during this Bible Crusade, invited me and there were about 10 people gathered there. There are about one million people living in the region of Kibera, who all live in lacking circumstances. Pastor Derrick, who interpreted for me, gave me his testimony about how he himself used to live a rough life in the rural regions of Kibera before meeting the church and ministering in Migori. As I was hearing the testimony I felt more thankful.” -Missionary Youngdo Oh

“I came to the Masaian village, which was very rural. Pastor Daniel, who had been participating in our Pastoral Meetings since a few months ago, invited us after taking part in the Bible Crusade in the Nyayo National Stadium. Pastor Daniel has his own job from Monday to Friday and he only leads the services on Saturdays and Sundays. Because it was the weekend, it was difficult to gather the congregation but he invited us to preach the gospel to friends and family while the missionaries from other countries were still in Kenya. He gathered his family and neighbours and to them the Word about the law, sin and gospel was preached. I was so thankful to be able to come all the way out here and share the gospel in houses made with clay and with no electricity or flowing water.” -Missionary Kyoungwon Jo

“By the invitation of Bishop Pastor Moses Naibei, we went to preach to gospel for two days in the Calvary Church. On the second day, the time for hymns was shortened in order to preach the Word in a more accomplished manner. Other Bishops and Pastors, who attended the Bible Crusade, also participated. As I saw the Word entering their hearts, I was so thankful. He promised to invite us to a bigger gathering and hoped that he could prepare another post Bible Crusade.” -Pastor Jinsung Kim

“We had a small Bible Seminar in a church we were invited to in Metarera, Nairobi. Because they were people who had nothing to rely on, I only preached to them the hope when being connected to God.” -Missionary Ohsun Kwon

“The Bible Crusade in Nyayo National Stadium was such a graceful time. This Bible Crusade was ‘God’s Time’. For 20 years, God had prepared Good News Mission. Through Kenya the gospel will be preached widely to the whole of Africa.

There were people who bore false witness against this Bible Crusade. Those people also contacted me. They said things like, ‘Be careful’, ‘Get out of there’, ‘They don’t pray’, ‘They don’t give alms’, ‘They speak of strange doctrines’. Like this they said that I should not go to the Bible Crusade. However, as I was speaking with Pastor Ukyoung Kim and participating in the meetings here, there was not a single thing that I heard except of the Word of God. Pastor Kim showed me his big vision. This was not of man. On the other hand, in the Christianity here in Kenya, the people try to do everything with money and they often argue about the financial support. I am certain that this is the work of Satan. In a place where the gospel works, the persecution always follows. It says so in the Bible. So I think I need to go.

I am not going to Good News Mission. I am not going to GBS. I am not going to Pastor Yongkook Park. I think that I have to stand in front of God. There is an open door in front of us. I think that, in the next four or five years, IYF and Good News Mission will earn the whole of Kenya.” -Bishop Moses

There were requests from 181 churches out of 800 pastors, who participated in the Bible Crusade, to come and hold a Post Bible Crusade in their respective areas. Most churches in Kenya do not have formal meetings except for on Saturdays and Sundays. However, after hearing that the many missionaries, who came to part-take in the Bible Crusade, would return to their respective countries in the middle of the week, the pastors hurriedly contacted their congregation to hold Post Bible Crusades. They wanted to preach the gospel to at least one person and they also wanted to share the Words that they listened to in the Nyayo National Stadium. The pastors from Korea and the missionaries from abroad have delayed their plane tickets to go to the many churches that they had been invited to.

The new wind of the gospel in Kenya blew strongly to many peoples’ hearts, despite all the false rumors and calumnies. Since two days before the Bible Crusade in the Nyayo National Stadium, by text, they tried to persuade the people not to go by saying that they do not pray or give offerings. They also added that the church told the people that all the pastors in Kenya have not received salvation. This turned out to be obvious lies, as the live broadcasting of the Bible Crusade showed the sessions beginning and ending with prayers not to mention the ten or more offering boxes placed around the venue. Furthermore, the lying pastors, who have strayed far away from the Bible and only cared for their own desires, sold oil at a ridiculous price to the congregation for their own businesses saying that it is the oil of the Holy Spirit. These people have been exposed through mass media. So, thousands of Kenyans filled the Nyayo National Stadium in order to desperately hear the Word that has nothing to do with those lies. At every session, there were three to five thousand people and, in total, over eight sessions, 30, 000 people participated.

After the Bible Crusade, Pastor Jongsoo Yun, Pastor Hyiyong Jun and local Pastor Nelson appeared on a television talk show to deliver, in detail, the message that was preached during the Bible Crusade and informing the public of the news post-Bible Crusade. Just as the many dandelions seeds are spread by the spring wind to create more dandelions, the wind of the gospel will spread the Word of God to countless Kenyans and the smell of Jesus Christ, who will be established in their hearts, will cover the whole country of Kenya

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