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CLF Houston Preparation News [Part 1]

Writer's picture: Teddy KimTeddy Kim

Updated: Feb 26, 2024

For the last 2 weeks, approximately 40 Pastors, Pastor’s wife, brothers and sisters gathered at the Good News Houston Church and joined hearts to do the witnessing across Houston, Texas. God has been revealing His hand each day as the witnessing teams went out to meet the Pastors across Houston that God has prepared for this year’s conference.



On Saturday February 17, a total of eight (08) Pastors attended the Prayer and Brunch hosted at the Good News Houston Church. The Pastors who attended listened to the testimonies from our Pastors and opened their hearts. Among the participants, there was Pastor Julio who is a representative of the Houston Pastors' Association; Pastor Fabio who does training for Pastors; and two Pastors representing the Romanian community. One of the Pastors who attended, there was a Pastor Raul of the Emmanuel Baptist Church who inherited the church building from the American Baptist Church. They spent a lot of money remodeling it and were praying for a program to be used to grow the church. He confessed that the message that CLF has is amazing and is the answer to his prayer. He has decided to attend and participate in the CLF. He also decided to host for us a Pastors’ Prayer and Brunch at his church next Saturday February 24. Pastor Raul is also the President of the Spanish Pastors’ Association of Houston. He has invited us to their Pastors’ meeting in March as their main Speaker to talk about the CLF and to share the Gospel.



We had a meeting with the President of the Houston Chinese Media Group, Mr Wea H. Lee, and were able to introduce the CLF. After Pastor Joshua Park spoke about the event and where we will host the CLF, Mr Lee was surprised, and asked how we were able to have an event of this scale. After further discussions, we could see that God opened the heart of Mr Lee very widely, as he told us several ways that he will help us to promote the CLF. Mr Lee said that he would set up a meeting for us with the Pastor of a large church in Houston. He also offered to help with our CLF promotions by publishing it in the News Paper. This News Paper is being published in ten (10) states across the US. He will also help us to advertise the CLF through TV broadcast. Mr Lee offered an office in his building for us to do the work of preparing the CLF. He will also set up two (02) booths at the Expo in the CLF.



As we are preparing for the CLF, God has also been leading our hearts towards meeting with State and City-wide associations for Churches. As we make the step forward and reach out to these organizations, we see God opening the doors.

African Christian Association

Pastor Youp Kim met the President of the Houston African Christian Association. He is from Nigeria. He had originally promised to make time to meet, but did not do so. However, after reaching out to him the second time, he thanked Pastor Kim for his persistence and made the time to hear about the CLF. He gave his personal contact information to stay in connection.

Fort Bend Pastors’ Association

Pastor Carlos Jones who is the President Fort Bend Pastors Association. He connected us to over 80 of his pastors by sharing about the conference on their Social Media Platform and SMS. He has also invited us to their next gathering to give a presentation.

Lone Star Pastors Care Network

Pastor Dennis Parish is the President of the Lone Star Pastors Care Network which has 110 members. It is a network that focuses on supporting the Pastors with the needed material things as they encounter difficulties. He listened about the CLF and the life of Pastor Park, and he became really interested. He wants to meet again after praying and going through the brochure in detail.

Pastor Sonny from Kingdom Harvest and Director Chris Moore of the Texas Port Minister are members of an association of Pastors who gather every Thursday for Breakfast and brotherhood. We saw Director Chris really connected with the CLF. He is committed to help us connect with other Pastors. Pastor Sonny had already opened his heart to the CLF. He was the one that invited us to the meeting.

Spanish Evangelical Fraternity of Ministries in Houston Association

Pastor Julio Barquero is the President of the Spanish Evangelical Fraternity of Ministries in Houston Association. He wants to work with us, and is introducing us to other Pastors.

Indian Living Waters Christian Church

Pastor Abraham Chacko Kaitholil invited us to deliver the Word at a morning Prayer Meeting. He will attend the CLF. There are about 26 Indian Churches in Houston and through this Pastor, we look to see how God will open the way to meet the Pastors of the Indian Community.

Headquarters Hispanic Union Pental Church [Left]

A visit was made to the Headquarters of the Hispanic Union Pental Church. They have 16 chapters in Houston. We were able to meet with a representative Pastor and explain about the CLF.

Hispanic Union Pental Church [Right]

A visit was made to the Headquarters of the Hispanic Union Pental Church. They have 16 chapters in Houston. We were able to meet with a representative Pastor and explain about the CLF.

Greater Houston Minister Fellowship

Pastor Obasa, President of the Greater Houston Minister Fellowship. He wants to work with CLF. There is an association meeting on the second Monday of March, and he will invite us to introduce the CLF and promote it. He has also decided to attend the Conference.


Founder and Senior Pastor of Reflections of Christ's Kingdom World Outreach International (The R.R.C.K) in Houston.


There was a meeting with Pastor Carson and our Pastors, and we were able to share testimonies and introduce the CLF. Pastor Carson really opened his heart, and he wants to help the work of the CLF. Our Pastors told him about Pastor Park's testimony and life of faith and he is really desirous of meeting Pastor Park in person.

Senior Pastor Walter August Of the One Church @ Bethel Family (with 17,000 members)


We met Pastor Walter August and he connected us with other pastors across Houston through a Zoom Meeting the same evening. Over 30 of them attended and were really opened. Pastor Walter has worked with our church in the past.

Pastor Walter August from the One Church @ Bethel arranged a zoom meeting with over 30 Pastors from different churches across Houston to introduce the CLF. They were happy to hear about the Conference and said they’re happy that the “mission field” is coming to Houston. They want to help with preparing the conference and will arrange another zoom meeting to invite more leaders to hear about the conference. They will promote the Conference through their social media and other platforms.

Pastor Jeff Ables of Crossroads Church in Lafayette which has over 3,500 members. He is also the Louisiana Presbyter for Assemblies of God. This is the third time we met and will discuss more about the CLF conference.

Pastor John Wilkerson of First Baptist Church of Hammond which is the largest church in Indiana. He was an Empowerment Talk speaker in 2022. He was thankful that we came to visit him from far away and also humbled to be invited by the CLF again. He said that this time in Houston might be difficult for him to make but he will check his schedule and pray about it.

Pastor Bob Bouwer of Faith Church which has 5 locations and 5,000 members in Dyer, Indiana. His church has a heavy emphasis on discipleship and spiritual growth. He will check his schedule and said that if he cannot attend this year then he will attend the CLF conference next year.

Pastor Jeffrey Johnson of Eastern Star Church which is the largest African American church in Indiana with 10,000 members. He is an Empowerment Talk almost every year and this year he will check his schedule again. He likes the work that CLF is doing and was happy to see us.

Pastor Danny Anderson of Emmanuel Church in Indiana which has 7,000 members and several campuses. We tried to connect last year but he was busy and this year he said he will check his schedule. He was very happy to hear what CLF is doing and he said it is something he is interested in for his future vision. He has interest in being an Empowerment talk speaker and was honored to meet with us.


Pastor David Ashcraft of the largest church in Pennsylvania with 22,000 members called LCBC. He is also the president of Global Leadership Network (GLN) and founder of the Advantage which works with 80 megachurch pastors in PA. This was the third time we met him and he said he will try to come one day to Houston to be an Empowerment Talk speaker. He is also interested in having a booth at our Expo for GLN.


The National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Conference was held at the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee, on February 21st. This was a gathering of various Christian broadcasting officials, reporters, Christian workers, journalists, musicians, writers, etc.  from all over the United States, Asia and Europe.


We set up a booth there entitled “Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Ministry”. There we displayed Pastor Park’s and our mission’s beliefs and activities in a booklet, along with a promotional video.

There we saw numerous people visiting our booth, especially Christian broadcasters who showed interest in Pastor Park's ministry and requested coverage and interviews.

Some of them had seen or heard of this Korean pastor, who appeared in Israel after traveling through Africa, South America, India, and Arab countries. Some even said they had attended the event. They were amazed at how God was leading the pastor's steps towards accomplishing great works of the Gospel.

Through this time, the team was able to let many of them know about the CLF and invited them to the Conference.


God opened the way to meet with Jackie White who is the State Director overseeing 135,000 Indian students in Oklahoma. Initially, it was really difficult to make an appointment with her, but after continuously following up for three years, God opened the way and she gave her personal phone number last month [January] to Pastor John Park of the Good News Oklahoma Church. We were able to schedule a meeting at her office. After meeting with her, they discovered that she is a Cherokee Indian and also a Pastor's daughter. She opened her heart and shared about the challenges she was facing growing up. We told her about the plans to go to Korea this Summer for the World Camp and Mind Education and informed her that a number of Indians were also going. She became delighted by our invitation to her. She has decided that she will attend as a representative of the Indian Community.


Pastor Gary, the representative of the Indian Baptist Union FONAC. We have been inviting him for 3 years, and he didn’t accept in the first year; however, God opened his heart through the Cantata. We could see now how God has lowered his heart by allowing him colon surgery three weeks ago. This time we invited him to the Houston CLF and to Korea.

Pastor Tom and Mrs. Anna, who attended the L.A. CLF last year. They have the plan to attend the CLF and Korea this year.

Pastor “RC Lee”, a Cherokee Indian. He's putting the mind book on the desk and teaching people the Mind Education. He will bring other pastors to the Houston CLF.

Pastor Brandon of the Ponka Tribe Indian church. He showed a lot of interest in the Houston CLF and said He will attend. He is looking forward to working together.

Each day as the Witness Teams go out and take steps forward, God continues to fulfill His words and reveal that He is pleased with the CLF. There are many works of God that He has revealed in the space of time we have been preparing. We look forward to see what He will do in the coming week.



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